J. A. Hogle & Co. (Salt Lake City, Utah)
THRP Archive - Geff Pollock Collection
J. B. Haggin (New
York, New York)
THRP Special Collections - Private Donor
J.F. Richardson - Undertaker, Funeral
(Park City, Utah)
THRP Archive Special Collections - Private Donor
J.M. Crabbe & Co. - Insurance (Salt Lake City, Utah)
THRP Special Collections - Private Donor
J. P. Paulson Company (Salt Lake City, Utah)
J. W. Brittian & Company (Austin, Nevada)
Letterhead from the J.W. Brittan & Company,
dealers in bar iron and steel, also providing all manner of hardware, stoves, tinware, metals, mining tools, mill materials
and more. Though located in Nevada, this letterhead was found within a collection of material and papers from Alta, Utah.
From this I can only conclude that someone from this early Utah mining camp was aware of this company, and had most likely
purchased supplies of some kind from them. This is only a guess, but seems logical. This sample dated from 1865.
James Don - Summit County Treasurer (Park City, Utah)
THRP Special Collections - Private Donor
James Fenwick - Plumber & Steamfitter (Salt Lake City, Utah)
THRP Special Collections - Private Donor
James C. Hammond - Secretary of State
- Utah
Lake City, Utah)
THRP Special Collections - Private Donor
James H. McDonald - Attorney at Law (Heber City, Utah)
THRP Special Collections - Private Donor
Janet Copper Mining & Milling
Company (Helper, Utah)
THRP Archive - Kirk Collection
Jason M. Lockhart - Attorney (Park City, Utah)
THRP Special Collections - Private Donor
Jasper & Hospelhaun - Painters (Salt Lake City, Utah)
THRP Special Collections - Private Donor
Jay & Black - Contractors &
Builders (Salt Lake City, Utah)
THRP Special Collections - Private Donor
Jeffrey Manufacturing Company (Columbus, Ohio)
THRP Archive - Corona Collection
Jesse Christensen - Hardware, Saddlery,
(Beatty, Nevada)
THRP Special Collections - Private Donor
John A. Roebling's Sons Co. - Wire
(New York, New York)
John Diem - Harness, Wagons, Buggies,
(Park City, Utah)
THRP Special Collections - Private Donor
John Farrington - Livery Stables (Salt Lake City, Utah)
THRP Special Collections - Private Donor
John Scowcroft & Sons Co. (Salt Lake City, Utah)
THRP Archive - Geff Pollock Collection
John Sharp - State Fish & Game
Warden (Salt Lake City, Utah)
THRP Special Collections - Private Donor
Strickley, Miner's Outfitting Store
Letterhead from John Strickley, Miners' Outfitting
Store. One of many stores in that operated in the mining town of Alta, Utah, Strickley provided everything from groceries
to hardware to clothing. Though many businesses operated in Alta, letterhead and other paper artifacts are rare. These samples,
billing statements issued to the Joab Lawrence Mining Company and the companies boarding house, for material provided, date
from 1887.
THRP Archives - Kirk Family Archives

THRP Archives - Kirk Family Archives
Taylor & Co., San Francisco
Letterhead from John Taylor & Co., San Francisco.
Established in 1852, Taylor & Co. first provided assay and other mining materials to the California gold rush and kept
on going. Providing material to many of the western states including Utah. This letterhead dates from 1891, almost 40
years after the companies initial founding.
THRP Archives - Kirk Family Archives
County - Utah
Letterhead from Juab County. One of the biggest
producing counties in the state. Home to the Tintic, West Tintic, Nebo, Fish Springs, Detroit and other districts, this county
was busy, and the district recorder's office busy as well. This sample of that office's letterhead dates from 1901. Note the
county courthouse image shown at the left of the sample.
Juab County Abstract Company (Nephi City, Utah)
THRP Archive - Kirk Collection
Julius Frankel - Clothing & Furnishings (Park City, Utah)
THRP Special Collections - Private Donor
THRP Special Collections - Private Donor
Keogh-Wright Private Hospital (Salt Lake City, Utah)
THRP Archive - Private Collection
Kaplan House Cleaning Service (Salt Lake City, Utah)
THRP Special Collections - Private Donor
Ketchum Fast Freight Lines (Ketchum, Idaho)
THRP Archive - Corona Collection
Keystone-Bullfrog Mining Company (Bullfrog, Nevada)
Keystone Mining Company (Park City, Utah)
Kimball Brothers - Feed & Livery (Park City, Utah)
THRP Special Collections - Private Donor
Knight Woolen Mills (Provo, Utah)
Letterhead from Knight Woolen Mills of Provo, Utah. While not a mining
company in any way, the company has direct ties to one particular mining man. Originally founded as the Provo Woolen Mills
by Mormon church President Brigham Young, the company was purchased by Jesse Knight of Tintic District fame, renamed, and
incorporated in 1910. The company operated from 1910 until 1932.
A great custom letterhead, full of color and instantly recognizable. This sample dates from
about 1920.
of Pythias, Ogden Lodge No. 2
Letterhead from the Ogden, Utah Lodge of the
Knights of Pythias Lodge No. 2, a fraternal organization. Though not a mining company, the letter was sent in reference to
a stock trade matter by one of the members. The letter is dated October 25, 1912. It is a beautiful full color herald and
a fine example of quality printing.
Below is a second letterhead from the same lodge dated in 1913
shows a fancy script herald. Pretty, but not quite the impact of the full color sample above. This letter also related to
a mining company stock transaction.

Knowles Steam pump Works (New York, New York)
THRP Archive - Corona Collection
L. G. Burton - Mining
Engineer & U.S. Mineral Surveyor
Lake City, Utah)
Lace House (Salt
Lake City, Utah)
THRP Archive - Corona Collection
Laclede Mining Company (Salt Lake City, Utah)
THRP Archive - Private Collection
Lavina Murdock - County Treasurer
(Wasatch County)
Lawson, John H., Harness and Saddlery (Murray, Utah)
THRP Archive - Kirk Family Collection
THRP Archive - Kirk Family Collection
Lee, George E - Justice
of the Peace (Bingham, Utah)
THRP Archive - Private Collection
and Utah Mining Company
Letterhead from the Lehigh & Utah Mining
Company of New York. Little is known of this company. The only reference found so far is that of a steamship operating on
the Great Salt Lake. More will be shared as it is found. This letterhead dates from 1877.
THRP Archives - Winegar Collection
Liberty Mining Company (Salt Lake City, Utah)
Coal Company
Letterhead from the Lion Coal Company. Mining
companies used wood, and later, coal to fire the steam boilers needed for operations. Lion Coal is one of the companies that
provided that coal. Mines were located in Rock Springs, Wyoming and Wattis, Utah, with company offices in the 1st National
Bank building, downtown Ogden, Utah. This stunning letterhead with the proud lion image is one of the finest in the e-Museum's
Little Bell Consolidated Mining Company (Park City, Utah)
THRP Special Collections - Private Donor
Little Bell Mining Company (Park City, Utah)
Little Chief Mining & Milling
Company (Eureka, Utah)
THRP Archive - Private Collection
Logan Knitting Factory, Inc. (Logan, Utah)

THRP Archive - Private Collection
Lower Mammoth Mining Company
Lake City, Utah)
Lucke, J.H. & Company- Cigars (Cincinnati, Ohio)
THRP Archive - Private Collection
Bill Mining Company
Letterhead from the Lucky Bill Mining Company.
This company, headquartered in Salt Lake City, had operations near Park City. The Lucky Bill had a number of different styles
of stock certificates, but so far, there is only one letterhead style found. This sample dates from 1896.
Lucky Boy Gold Mining Company (Salt Lake City, Utah)
THRP Special Collections - Private Donor