S. B. Stine & Sons - Mine &
Mill Supply
(Osceola Mills, Pennsylvania)

S. H. Supply Company - Machinery &
Mining Supplies (Denver,
S. Hayes - Clothing, Boots & Shoes,
Furnishing Goods, Etc. (Bingham, Utah)
St. Marks Hospital (Salt Lake City, Utah)
THRP Special Collections - Private Donor
Lake Blue Print & Supply Company
Letterhead from Salt Lake Blue Print & Supply
Company. Simple printing but busy, the printing shows just about everything you could ever want to know about what this company
did. Of course, printed on blue paper.
Salt Lake City Brewing Company (Salt Lake City, Utah)
THRP Archive Special Collections - Private Donor
Lake City Corporation - Recorders Office
Letterhead for the Salt Lake City Corporation
- Recorder's Office. It was part of this offices duty to record all mining property transactions. This very beautiful letterhead
dates from 1902.
Lake City Corporation - Water Works Department
Letterhead for the Salt Lake City Corporation
- Water Works Department. Water has always been closely associated with mining, either the workings were to wet and had to
be pumped out, or they were to dry, and water had to be hauled in from a great distance to make mining operations feasible.
Even today, mining property owners in the Cottonwood Canyon areas above Salt Lake City are battling with Salt Lake City Water
Corp. over who owns the water that falls on their property, and who owns the water that issues from the portals of old mining
properties. This sample is identical to the Recorders sample above, except for the Water Works stamping. This sample dates
from 1903.
THRP Archives - Collection of Ralph R. Mullen, Coin & Currency Dealer. - e-mail:
Salt Lake City Gas Company (Salt Lake City, Utah)
THRP Special Collections - Private Donor
Salt Lake Construction Company (Salt Lake City, Utah)
THRP Special Collections - Private Donor
Salt Lake County Offices (Salt Lake City, Utah)
THRP Special Collections - Private Donor
THRP Special Collections - Private Donor
THRP Special Collections - Private Donor
THRP Special Collections - Private Donor
Lake Electric Supply Company
Letterhead from the Salt Lake Electric Supply
Company supplied all manner of electrical items to the mines and mills of Utah one they began using electricity to work the
properties. This document dates from 1917.
Salt Lake Engineering Works (Salt Lake City, Utah)
THRP Archive - Private Donor
Lake Hardware Company
Letterhead from the Salt Lake Hardware Company.
One of the largest and longest lasting hardware dealers in Utah, Salt Lake Hardware carried everything from hardware to hoists,
steam engines to sporting goods. All of it from their downdown offices and warehouse. This colorful trademark letterhead dates
from 1903.
THRP Archives - Kirk Family Archives
THRP Archive - Kirk Collection
Lake Herald - Job Printing & Blank Book Mfg.
Letterhead from the Salt Lake Herald. In addition
to the newspaper publication, the Herald company was a job printing house. Mining notices, legal documents, stock certificates,
ledger books and other office and office paper goods were all a part of their product line. This maroon colored billhead dates
from 1885.
Salt Lake Livery & Transfer Company (Salt Lake City, Utah)
THRP Archive - Corona Collection
THRP Archive - Corona Collection
THRP Archive - Corona Collection
Lake Mining Review
Evolution of a Mast-head - The Mining Review
comes full-circle.
Below is a collection
of images showing the evolution and variations of the Salt Lake Mining Review mast-head. The documents covers a range from
1899 when publication began, to 1928 when the name formally changed to The Mining and Contracting Review. It is worth noting
that the publication began simply titled The Mining Review. It wold be less than a year before the title would change and
the words Salt Lake were added.
The Salt Lake
Mining Review was a local publication that was very informative on Utah and Intermountain mining matters, but seem almost
as interested in promoting Utah mining as well as reporting on it.
Version one of The Mining Review banner. Used from April 1899 to December
1997 -
Courtesy Salt Lake City Public Library - Special Collections.

Version two of The Mining Review banner, the first version of the
ornate banner that would be used later on. Used from January 1900 to August 1900. 1997 - Courtesy
Salt Lake City Public Library - Special Collections.

Version three of the banner. Now The Salt Lake Mining Review. Used
from October 1900 to March 1901.
1997 - Courtesy Salt Lake City Public Library - Special Collections.

Version four of the banner. The Salt Lake Mining Review. Used from
March 1901 until March of 1918, the longest run of any of the banner styles, and the style most closely associated with the
publication. 1997 - Courtesy Salt Lake City Public Library - Special Collections.

Version five of The Mining Review banner. Used from April 1918 to
March 1927.
1997 - Courtesy
Salt Lake City Public Library - Special Collections.

Version six of The Mining Review banner. Note that "Salt Lake"
has been dropped from the title. Used from April 1927 to October 1934 when the publication's name was changed to The Mining
and Contracting Review. 1997 - Courtesy Salt Lake City Public Library - Special Collections.
Salt Lake and Ogden Railway Company (Salt Lake City, Utah)
THRP Archives - Kirk Collection
Lake Soap Company
Letterhead from the Salt Lake Soap Company.
Stories of the "old west" tell of the infrequency of bathing and cleaning up. But, I would like to think that once
in a while the miner in the hills and the soap from this or any other company eventually made a connection with one another.
Those Saturday night outings to Alta, way back when, could have meant a bath, couldn't it? Then again... Ok, back to
the letterhead. This one shows not only the soap works, but takes liberties with Eagle Gate as well. in this instance, that
landmark of Brigham Young's property in downtown Salt Lake City, has been adorned with "White Rose Our Queen", a
slogan of the soap company. This sample is from 1892.
THRP Archives - Collection of Ralph R. Mullen, Coin & Currency Dealer. - e-mail:
Lake Stamp Company
Letterhead from the Salt Lake Stamp Company.
Every mining company that was big enough to issue stock or need legal work, usually had an embossing stamp created. Many of
them provided by Salt Lake Stamp Company. This beautiful letterhead details only some of the services provided. Printed on
yellow-orange paper, the color is unique among Utah business letterhead found thus far. This sample dates from 1901.
THRP Archives - Kirk Family Archives
Salt Lake Telegram -
Newspaper (Salt Lake City, Utah)
THRP Archive - Winegar Collection
Salt Lake Tribune (Salt Lake City, Utah)
THRP Archive - Private Donor
Salt Lake Union Stock Yards (Salt Lake, Utah)
THRP Special Collections - Private Donor
Salt Lake Valley Loan & Trust
Co. (Salt Lake City, Utah)
THRP Special Collections - Private Donor
THRP Special Collections - Private Donor
Santaquin Consolidated Mining Co. (Salt Lake City, Utah)
THRP Special Collections - KIRK Collection
Schramm-Johnson Drug Company (Salt Lake City, Utah)
THRP Archive - Winegar Collection
Scott Hardware Company (Salt Lake City, Utah)
THRP Archive - Private Collection
Sears Glass & Paint Company (Salt Lake City, Utah)
THRP Archive - Corona Collection
Sears & Liddle Company (Salt Lake City, Utah)
THRP Special Collections - Private Donor
Smelting & Lead Co., San Francisco
Letterhead from Selby Smelting & Lead Co.,
San Francisco. Though smelting and refining operations were well established in Utah by 1900, some Utah ore and crude bullion
found its way to California and the Selby works. This simple billing letterhead dates from 1900.
THRP Archives - Kirk Family Archives
Shaw & Kivett - Wholesale Lumber (Boise, Idaho)
THRP Special Collections - Private Donor
Shupe-Williams Candy Company (Ogden, Utah)
THRP Special Collections - Private Donor
Nevada Lumber Company
Letterhead from the Sierra Nevada Lumber Company,
Salt Lake City, Utah. This company operated a lumber yard and planing mill in the city. Though servicing primarily the needs
of the city, like many other of the lumber operations in the valley, work was also provided to the mines and mining companies
in the mountains. This custom letterhead, printed by the Salt Lake Litho. Company, dates from 1896.
THRP Archives - Kirk Family Archives
Nevada Mill Company
Sierra Nevada Mill Company provided all types
of timber and timber products to the mines and mills of Utah. One of many companies that did so, this letterhead is part of
billing statement to the Big Cottonwood Consolidated Mining Company in Big Cottonwood Canyon.
Silver City Meat Market (Eureka, Utah)
THRP Archive - Private Collection
City Star (Newspaper)
Letterhead from the Silver City Star, a newspaper
in Silver City, Utah, posted business or other matters on paper with this bold lettering. This sample from 1897 referenced
a land patent application notice.
Silver King Consolidated Mining Company
(Park City, Utah)
Silver King Mining Company (Park City, Utah)
King Western Mining Company
Letterhead from the Silver King Western Mining
& Milling Company. One of many later Park City operations. This company played on the name of the famous Silver King Coalition
Mines Company in its naming, but never had the riches or success of the more famous nearby neighbor. This letterhead dates
from around 1900.
THRP Archives - Kirk Family Archives
Silverman, Joseph, & Company -
Distillers (Cincinnati, Ohio)
THRP Archive - Private Collection
THRP Archive - Kirk Collection
Brothers (& Duke), Dry Goods & Millinery
Letterhead from the Simon Brothers (& Duke)
Dry Goods & Millinery. The Duke name had been lined out in this sample, so it looks like A. J. Duke had separated from
the company by this time. The offices were located in Salt Lake City. This sample is from 1892.
THRP Archives - Collection of Ralph R. Mullen, Coin & Currency Dealer. - e-mail:
Consolidated Mining Company
Letterhead from the Sioux Consolidated Mining
Company. This mine operated in the Tintic District in the general area of the Mammoth, Iron Blossom, Gold Chain and other
mines near Mammoth, Utah. Company offices were located in Robinson, Utah, a small town just west of Mammoth and sometimes
referred to as Lower Mammoth. The first sample dates from the 1890's, the second from 1900.
THRP Archive - Corona Collection
Store (Hot Springs, Utah)
Letterhead from the Smelter Store - D. C. Robbins
Prop.. I have found little about this particular business so far, other than it was located at Hot Springs, Utah, namesake
of the Hot Springs Mining District, just north of Salt Lake City. More will come in the future. This simple letterhead dates
from 1908.
Smith & Lyon - Mining
Engineers (Salt Lake City, Utah)
THRP Archive - Corona Collection
Snyder & Wight - Law Offices (Park City, Utah)
THRP Special Collections - Private Donor
Solo Mining Company (Mammoth, Utah)
THRP Archive - Geff Pollock Collection
South Swansea Mining Company (Salt Lake City, Utah)
Spencer-Bywater Company (Salt Lake City, Utah)
THRP Special Collections - Private Donor
Spencer Clawson Co. (Salt Lake City, Utah)
THRP Archives - Kirk Family Archives
Spring City Light & Milling Co. (Spring City, Utah)
THRP Special Collections - Private Donor
Standish & Jimpson - Freighters (Bingham Canyon, Utah)
THRP Archive - Kirk Collection
State of Utah - House of Representatives
(Salt Lake City, Utah)
THRP Archive - Winegar Collection
THRP Archive Special Collections - Private Donor
of Utah - Office of the Secretary of State
Letterhead from the office of the Secretary
of State - State of Utah. Definitely not a mining operation, but still they were right in the middle of it. Any mining company
operating in the state had be be licensed to operate legally. Below the letterhead is one of those licenses. This sample letterhead
dates from 1913, and the license from 1912. This license is issued to the Big Cottonwood Consolidated Mining Company, Big
Cottonwood Canyon, Utah.
Stilwell, J.G. - Merchandise &
Mining Supplies
(Alta, Utah)
Silver Mining Company
Letterhead from the Stormont Silver Mining Company.
One of the more famous mines in the Leeds District in southern Utah, the Stormont had not only the mine. but a mill as well.
Headquartered in Silver Reef, the made millions pulling silver from the native sandstone of the area. This rare letterhead
dates from 1879.
THRP Archives - Kirk Family Archives
Strait, H.N., Mfg. Company (Kansas City, Kansas)
THRP Archive - Corona Collection
Strickley-Montezuma Mining Company (Bingham, Utah)
The Studio - Photography, etc... (Park City, Utah)
THRP Archive Special Collections - Private Donor
Sullivan Machinery Company (Salt Lake City, Utah)
THRP Archive - Private Donor
THRP Archive - Private Collection
Summit County - State of Utah (Park City, Utah)
Summit Lumber Company (Paek City, Utah)
THRP Archice Special Collections - Private Donor
Sumpter Valley Railroad - Ogden Office (Ogden, Utah)
THRP Special Collections - Private Donor
Sunbeam Consolidated Mining Company (Salt Lake City, Utah)
THRP Archive - Geff Pollock Collection
Sutherland, Van Cott & Allison
- Attorneys (Salt
Lake, Utah)
THRP Special Collections - Private Donor
T. C. Armstrong Co. (Salt Lake City, Utah)
THRP Archives - Kirk Family Archives
Talisman Mining Company (Salt Lake City, Utah)
THRP Archive - Private Donor
Romney & Armstrong, Lumber, Manufacturers & Builders
Letterhead from Taylor, Romney & Armstrong,
Salt Lake City, Utah. This company provided hardware and building materials not only to the people of Salt Lake, but to the
miners as well as mining structures moved from crude log cabins to more substantial lumber dwellings and surface buildings.
This fancy custom letterhead, printed by the Deseret News Co. Printers dates from 1885.
THRP Archives - Kirk Family Archives
Tesora Mining Company (Silver City, Utah)
THRP Archive - Kirk Collection
Thomas Kearns (Salt
Lake City, Utah)
THRP Archive Special Collections - Private Donor
Tintic Lumber Company (Robinson, Utah)
THRP Archive - Geff Pollock Collection
Tintic Mercantile Company (Eureka, Utah)
THRP Archive - Geff Pollock Collection
Tintic Milling Company (Silver City, Utah)
THRP Archives - Kirk Collection
THRP Archives - Kirk Collection
Smelting Company
Letterhead from the Tintic Smelting Company.
Located at Silver City, Utah, The Tintic Smelter was owned an operated by Jessie Knight and partners. The smelter operated
for a number of years processing ore of the Tintic and other districts. This letterhead dates from the early 1900's.
Tintic Standard Mining Company (Salt Lake City, Utah)
THRP Archive - Geff Pollock Collection
Tobasco Gold Mining & Milling
Company (Indianapolis, Indiana)
THRP Archive - Kirk Collection
County - Recorder's Office
Letterhead from the Tooele County, Utah - Recorder's
Office. This simple but stylised letterhead comes from the office of James B. Hickman, Tooele County Recorder. Printed by
Utah Litho Co., Salt lake City. This sample dates from 1901.
Trust Company
Letterhead from the Tracy-Collins Trust Company.
Established in 1884, and a eventually a member of the Federal Reserve System, this company among other financial activities,
provided loans and funding to mining men and mining companies. This letterhead features an image of the front doors of the
Tracy-Collins Trust Company offices in downtown Salt Lake City. This letterhead dates from the 1940's.
Trent Engineering & Machinery
Lake City, Utah)
THRP Archive - Private Donor
THRP Special Collections - Private Donor
Triangle Mining Company (Salt Lake City, Utah)
THRP Archives - Kirk Collection
The Tribune (Salt
Lake City, Utah)
THRP Special Collections - Private Donor
- Reporter Printing Company - The Arrow Press
Letterhead from the Tribune Reporter Printing
Company - The Arrow Press. A Utah company that specialized in stationary and fine printing needs as well as office supplies.
Their motto, "Everything from a pen up". In 1911, offices located at 66 W. Second South, in downtown Salt
Lake City. This document is a statement for services and supplies rendered. The letterhead is simple but elegant with a distinctive
emblem. This sample dates from 1911.